Automated Searces Keywords: Foglio means map; Particella is parcel
If you wish to discover who the present and past owners of a specific parcel, you are required to know the Foglio # and Particella #. The foglio # is sometimes called the Mappale #.
Here is an example. A title holder to property (Mr. Rossi) was born in 1889 and held title to a specific parcel until 1970. Mr. Rossi should appear in the historic title report along with the subsequent owners after 1970. If Mr. Rossi was born in 1889 and was no longer on title in 1934, Mr. Rossi will not appear in the automated mode.
Manual Searches
In the example above, one can find the records of the existence of real estate transactions in the name of Mr. Rossi going back to about 1864. The discovery of this information, requires our assistance. Please contact us directly for further details.
You may search the transaction history of only one parcel at a time.
An order is fulfilled when any title report is successfully generated and delivered to you by email. If your search generates no “hits”, a negative report will be generated. You will then be given two more attempts.
If you are idle for more the 20 minutes you will have start the session over again